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#2020年政府工作报告(双语全文)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


新华网 2020-06-01 10:10

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四、依靠改革激发市场主体活力,增强发展新动能IV.Energizing market entities through reform and strengthening new drivers of growth

困难挑战越大,越要深化改革,破除体制机制障碍,激发内生发展动力。The greater the difficulties and challenges we face, the more important it is for us to go further in reform, get rid of institutional barriers, and boost internal forces driving development.

深化“放管服”改革。在常态化疫情防控下,要调整措施、简化手续,促进全面复工复产、复市复业。推动更多服务事项一网通办,做到企业开办全程网上办理。放宽小微企业、个体工商户登记经营场所限制,便利各类创业者注册经营、及时享受扶持政策。支持大中小企业融通发展。完善社会信用体系。以公正监管维护公平竞争,持续打造市场化、法治化、国际化营商环境。We will press ahead with reforms to streamline administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services. While continuing to implement routine covid-19 control, we will adjust relevant measures and simplify procedures to boost the resumption of work, production, and business activities. We will work to see our people are able to access more government services via a single website and complete all procedures for starting a business online. Location restrictions on business registration applying to micro and small enterprises and self-employed people will be relaxed, and entrepreneurs of all types will find it easier to register and start a business and access timely policy support. We will support enterprises of all sizes in pursuing development through collaboration with each other. We will improve the social credit system. We will conduct impartial regulation to ensure fair competition, and make sustained efforts to create a market-oriented, law-based, and internationalized business environment.


推进要素市场化配置改革。推动中小银行补充资本和完善治理,更好服务中小微企业。改革创业板并试点注册制,发展多层次资本市场。强化保险保障功能。赋予省级政府建设用地更大自主权。促进人才流动,培育技术和数据市场,激活各类要素潜能。We will advance reforms to promote market-based allocation of production factors. We will encourage small and midsized banks to replenish capital and improve governance, so that they can better serve MSMEs. We will reform the ChiNext stock market and pilot a registration-based IPO system; we will develop multi-tiered capital markets. The role of insurance in protecting against risks will be strengthened. Provincial-level government will be given more power to approve land use for construction projects. We will boost the flow of human resources, foster technology and data markets, and thus unleash the potential of all types of production factors.


提升国资国企改革成效。实施国企改革三年行动。健全现代企业制度,完善国资监管体制,深化混合所有制改革。基本完成剥离办社会职能和解决历史遗留问题。国企要聚焦主责主业,健全市场化经营机制,提高核心竞争力。We will improve the performance of state capital and SOE reforms. We will launch a three-year action plan for SOE reform. We will improve the modern corporate structure of SOEs and the system of state capital regulation, and intensify mixed ownership reform. We will basically complete the task of relieving SOEs of the obligations to operate social programs, and resolve their other longstanding problems. SOEs should focus on their main responsibilities and businesses, establish sound market-oriented operating mechanisms, and increase their core competitiveness.


优化民营经济发展环境。保障民营企业平等获取生产要素和政策支持,清理废除与企业性质挂钩的不合理规定。限期完成清偿政府机构、国有企业拖欠民营和中小企业款项的任务。构建亲清政商关系,促进非公有制经济健康发展。We will foster an enabling environment for the development of the private sector. We will see that private businesses have equal access to production factors and policy support. We will review relevant regulations to abolish those that unfairly differentiate enterprises according to form of ownership. Deadlines will be set for government bodies and SOEs to make overdue payments owed to private and small and medium businesses. We will foster a cordial and clean relationship between government and business and promote the healthy development of the non-public sector.


推动制造业升级和新兴产业发展。支持制造业高质量发展。大幅增加制造业中长期贷款。发展工业互联网,推进智能制造,培育新兴产业集群。发展研发设计、现代物流、检验检测认证等生产性服务业。电商网购、在线服务等新业态在抗疫中发挥了重要作用,要继续出台支持政策,全面推进“互联网+”,打造数字经济新优势。We will encourage the upgrading of manufacturing and the growth of emerging industries. We will support high-quality development of manufacturing. We will markedly increase medium- and long-term loans to manufacturers. We will promote the industrial internet, boost smart manufacturing, and foster clusters of emerging industries. We will develop producer services such as research, development and design, modern logistics, inspection, testing and certification. New forms of business such as e-commerce, online shopping, and online services have played an important role during the covid-19 response and more policies will be introduced in support of such businesses. We will advance Internet Plus initiatives across the board and create new competitive strengths in the digital economy.


提高科技创新支撑能力。稳定支持基础研究和应用基础研究,引导企业增加研发投入,促进产学研融通创新。加快建设国家实验室,重组国家重点实验室体系,发展社会研发机构,加强关键核心技术攻关。发展民生科技。深化国际科技合作。加强知识产权保护。改革科技成果转化机制,畅通创新链,营造鼓励创新、宽容失败的科研环境。实行重点项目攻关“揭榜挂帅”,谁能干就让谁干。We will boost our capacity to support technological innovation. We will provide stable support for basic research and application-oriented basic research, encourage enterprises to increase investment in R&D, and facilitate collaborative innovation by firms, universities and research institutes. We will accelerate the development of national laboratories, restructure the system of key national laboratories, and develop private R&D institutions. We will make greater efforts to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key areas, and promote the development of technologies that improve quality of life. We will intensify international cooperation on science and technology. Intellectual property protection will be strengthened. We will reform the mechanisms for applying scientific and technological achievements, ensure unimpeded flows in innovation chains, and create an enabling environment that encourages innovation and tolerates failure. We will introduce an open competition mechanism to select the best candidates to lead key research projects.


深入推进大众创业万众创新。发展创业投资和股权投资,增加创业担保贷款。深化新一轮全面创新改革试验,新建一批双创示范基地,坚持包容审慎监管,发展平台经济、共享经济,更大激发社会创造力。We will continue to encourage business startups and innovation nationwide. We will support the growth of venture capital and equity investment and increase guaranteed loans for startups. To further unleash the creativity of various sectors, we will launch a new round of pilot reforms for making innovations across the board, build more innovation and entrepreneurship demo centers, continue accommodative and prudential regulation, and develop the platform economy and the sharing economy.


五、实施扩大内需战略,推动经济发展方式加快转变V. Implementing the strategy of expanding domestic demand and promoting accelerated transformation of the economic growth model

我国内需潜力大,要深化供给侧结构性改革,突出民生导向,使提振消费与扩大投资有效结合、相互促进。The potential of China’s domestic demand is enormous. We will deepen supply-side structural reform, focus our efforts on improving the people’s wellbeing, and boost consumption and expand investment in a mutually reinforcing way.

推动消费回升。通过稳就业促增收保民生,提高居民消费意愿和能力。支持餐饮、商场、文化、旅游、家政等生活服务业恢复发展,推动线上线下融合。促进汽车消费,大力解决停车难问题。发展养老、托幼服务。发展大健康产业。改造提升步行街。支持电商、快递进农村,拓展农村消费。要多措并举扩消费,适应群众多元化需求。We will promote the recovery of consumption. We will stabilize employment, promote income growth and ensure people’s basic needs are met to encourage and enable consumer spending. We will support the recovery and development of food and beverage, brick and mortar shopping, culture, tourism, domestic services, and other consumer services, and promote the integration of online and offline consumption. We will encourage automobile consumption and take strong measures to address the shortage of parking spaces. Elderly and child care services and comprehensive health care services will be developed. Pedestrian streets will be upgraded. We will support the rollout of e-commerce and express delivery services in rural areas to expand rural consumption. We will apply a combination of measures to boost consumption and meet diverse demand among consumers.


扩大有效投资。今年拟安排地方政府专项债券3.75万亿元,比去年增加1.6万亿元,提高专项债券可用作项目资本金的比例,中央预算内投资安排6000亿元。重点支持既促消费惠民生又调结构增后劲的“两新一重”建设,主要是:加强新型基础设施建设,发展新一代信息网络,拓展5G应用,建设数据中心,增加充电桩、换电站等设施,推广新能源汽车,激发新消费需求、助力产业升级。加强新型城镇化建设,大力提升县城公共设施和服务能力,以适应农民日益增加的到县城就业安家需求。新开工改造城镇老旧小区3.9万个,支持管网改造、加装电梯等,发展居家养老、用餐、保洁等多样社区服务。加强交通、水利等重大工程建设。增加国家铁路建设资本金1000亿元。健全市场化投融资机制,支持民营企业平等参与。要优选项目,不留后遗症,让投资持续发挥效益。We will expand effective investment. This year, 3.75 trillion yuan of special local government bonds will be issued, a 1.6 trillion yuan increase over last year. The proportion of special bonds that can be used as project capital will be raised, and 600 billion yuan will be earmarked for investment in the central government budget. Priority will be given to new infrastructure and new urbanization initiatives and major projects, which not only boost consumption and benefit the people, but also facilitate structural adjustments and enhance the sustainability of growth. Specifically, efforts will be made mainly in the following three areas: First, we will step up the construction of new types of infrastructure. We will develop next-generation information networks, expand 5G applications, and develop data centers. We will build more battery charging and swapping facilities and promote wider use of new-energy automobiles. We will stimulate new consumer demand and promote industrial upgrading. Second, we will strengthen the development of a new type of urbanization. We will do more to improve public facilities and services in county seats, so as to meet the growing demand to work and settle in them among rural residents. We will begin the renovation of 39,000 old urban residential communities and support the upgrading of plumbing and wiring and the installation of elevators in old residential buildings; we will encourage the development of community services such as elderly home care, the provision of meals, and cleaning services. Third, we will redouble efforts to develop major transportation and water conservancy projects, and increase national railway development capital by 100 billion yuan. We will improve market-based investment and financing mechanisms to support private enterprises in participating in projects on an equal footing. We will ensure that projects are up to standard, so they do not create any undesired consequences and the investments made deliver long-term returns.


深入推进新型城镇化。发挥中心城市和城市群综合带动作用,培育产业、增加就业。坚持房子是用来住的、不是用来炒的定位,因城施策,促进房地产市场平稳健康发展。完善便民、无障碍设施,让城市更宜业宜居。We will steadily advance new urbanization. We will leverage the role of leading cities and city clusters in driving the overall development of their surrounding areas, in an effort to foster new industries and increase employment. Acting on the principle that houses are for living in, not for speculation, we will implement city-specific policies to promote steady and healthy development of the real estate market. We will improve urban amenities and accessible facilities, and make our cities places that people enjoy living and working in.


加快落实区域发展战略。继续推动西部大开发、东北全面振兴、中部地区崛起、东部率先发展。深入推进京津冀协同发展、粤港澳大湾区建设、长三角一体化发展。推进长江经济带共抓大保护。编制黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展规划纲要。推动成渝地区双城经济圈建设。促进革命老区、民族地区、边疆地区、贫困地区加快发展。发展海洋经济。We will step up implementation of China’s regional development strategies.We will continue to promote large-scale development in the western region, the full revitalization of the northeast, the rise of the central region, and the trailblazing development of the eastern region. We will move forward with the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, the development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta. We will advance well-coordinated environmental conservation in the Yangtze Economic Belt. An overall plan will be formulated for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin. Development of the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle will be promoted. We will encourage accelerated development in old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, border areas, and poor areas. We will develop the maritime economy.


实施好支持湖北发展一揽子政策,支持保就业、保民生、保运转,促进经济社会秩序全面恢复。We will implement a package of policies to support Hubei’s development, helping it ensure employment, public wellbeing, and normal operations, and spurring the full recovery of economic and social activity there.


提高生态环境治理成效。突出依法、科学、精准治污。深化重点地区大气污染治理攻坚。加强污水、垃圾处置设施建设,推进生活垃圾分类。加快人口密集区危化品生产企业搬迁改造。壮大节能环保产业。严惩非法捕杀、交易、食用野生动物行为。实施重要生态系统保护和修复重大工程,促进生态文明建设。We will ensure more effective protection of ecosystems and the environment. Priority will be placed on curbing pollution in a law-based, scientific, and targeted way. We will intensify efforts to control air pollution in key areas. We will step up the construction of sewage and garbage treatment facilities and move ahead with the sorting of household waste. The relocation and transformation of producers of hazardous chemical products in densely populated areas will be accelerated. We will boost the development of energy-saving and environmental protection industries. Illegal hunting, trading, and consumption of wild animals will be severely punished. We will carry out major projects for protecting and restoring key ecosystems to promote ecological conservation.


保障能源安全。推动煤炭清洁高效利用,发展可再生能源,完善石油、天然气、电力产供销体系,提升能源储备能力。We will safeguard energy security. We will promote cleaner and more efficient use of coal, develop renewable energy, improve systems for the production, supply, and sale of oil, natural gas, and electricity, and bolster our energy reserve capacity.

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